Blessing Your DNA

Can we bless our DNA to better health?
One aspect of being happy and healthy is being able to make choices that bring us fulfillment by expressing ourselves creatively but mainly by making others happy. This was one of the results of a happiness study done by social scientists.
What does blessing have to do with this?...
Read more here in this article I was inspired to write about this.

Blessing Your DNA
I've also created a video to go with this as a gift to you. Enjoy! :)

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How Do Emotions Get Trapped?

Have you ever wondered how emotions we feel can get trapped in the body and result in the body having physical issues?

Emotions are like waves that come and go, and to be able to experience them as part of a wave allows us to stay connected to this space of possibilities. But when we aren’t being present in the moment, it can result in the emotion being trapped somewhere in the body.

Here's the article for your pleasure:

How Do Emotions Get Trapped

With Love

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