Remote Healing Success Stories

Two wrists breaking rope

“I am so grateful to Charan for healing me from neck pain that I had been suffering from last 2 years. I am a doctor and know what problem I have. There is a large disc at C5-6 level causing pain and balance problem. I had tried everything for, IFT, meditation, message etc. Nothing had worked. After taking few remote healing sessions with Charan I started feeling better and the pain went away. Now since last week there has been no pain. I have never felt like this. It’s a great feeling to be pain free. It seems I have got my life back. Thanks a lot.”


“Charan is a beautiful soul who’s healing has been profoundly powerful.  As a healer and instructor myself, I can attest to the true results she brings through.  I asked her to work on a painful stiff neck that I had where the pain level was a 7 out of 10.  I could not move my neck from side to side.  I could feel the energy coming before she even officially stated it was coming!  Then, within minutes the pain was virtually gone and I could move my neck again – reducing the pain level to a 1!  I highly recommend her wonderful work.”
Pamela Dussault Runtagh
Owner and Founder of The Reap Healing Method and Passage To Inner Joy


“In ONE remote, ten minute session with Charan, 3 weeks of chronic neck pain disappeared. Days on and I’m still free from it! Before this I was in serious pain with limited range of motion. I even canceled an event I was hosting, the pain was so severe. I had taken meds but the pain persisted. I was about to start a round of physical therapy, chiropractic, and acupuncture, my standard pain management strategies. I’ve dealt with chronic neck pain for 30 years, to experience immediate and total pain relief was astounding. This is powerful! Thanks, Charan!”
Adela Rubio
Evolutionary Coach


“I was a bit skeptical about how the session of remote healing would go , but I was almost pain free from spondylitis after the session!! It’s been a long time since I have felt pain free for a whole day!! Even though I hadn’t mentioned anything about my sinuses being blocked, they cleared during the session too …it felt good to have my problem solved without even telling her about it!!
Can only 1 session make so much of a difference? Yes! To me it did!! I even experienced a sort of tingling on my arm during the session…though it’s unbelievable …! Thank you so much Charan!!”


“I had developed psoriasis two weeks ago due to stress. I used the medication the dr gave once, and it hurt so bad I had to wash it off in the shower. The other issue was I had a lump on my right breast which had just appeared. Charan did two remote sessions on me, and now the psoriasis is almost completely gone and lump has disappeared! I can’t thank Charan enough.”

 “Today I had the pleasure to be on theVIP GeneOM™ Healing. Prior to my turn two people had healings, one for her foot the other for her legs and right hip.  I myself have been having pain on my right foot up to a level 10 in my Achilles’ tendon when I flex or extend and intermittent pain in my right hip from a bursitis.  I noticed that after their healings both my hip and foot pains were now about a 2.  My own issue was tinnitus which the left ear dropped from a 5 to a 2. And the right ear 7 to a 5. I have faith this too will be corrected.  But my foot and my hip are now at a zero pain wise! This is so awesome. Thank you Charan.”
Jeanne, USA


“I had arthritic pain in my hands at a level of 10/10, and that’s one of the reasons I joined the GeneOM™ Healing group. During the group call, Charan worked with me, and the pain went down to 5/10. But during the week it returned to around a 8-9 out of ten. I re-listened to the recording of the call and now my pain has gone to zero!! Infinite love and gratitude!”


Charan has a keen ability to perceive beyond words, which gives me the feeling of being deeply understood and supported. During recent healing sessions from her for back and foot injuries as well as emotional challenges, I felt a sense of energy moving through my body in a way that uplifts and inspires me. She attentively listens, and is ready to offer knowledgeable advice when appropriate, in a gentle and unimposing way. Truly she has achieved in combining traditional and alternative methods for enhancing well-being and health, enabling clients to optimise the expression of their genes, to become their best self!
Dr. Marie Holm
Researcher & Professor


Hello Charan, I wanted to inform you that I am feeling much more connected and Joyful. I seem to have “lost my joy” over the past year and have been struggling. I feel a much higher vibration since. THANK YOU,
Much Love,


I’ve been dealing with a depression over the past number of months, and feel that there has been a shift in that, so I’m anxious to see if this is a permanent shift out of this depression or temporary.

Again, thank you!  I do feel much better!
Blessings to you,


I’d like to say a big thank you for your healing Charan,  it’s had a profound affect on my life. You have helped me to release toxic karmic connections that I found impossible to shift. I’m a professional numerologist and could see this clearly in my chart but had no idea how to get rid of it. You are amazing. So grateful.
Heather James,


Charan has an amazing gift that I would closely call the healing energy of Jesus. She aligns your energy field with Source itself and your body knows what to do to heal when immersed in this beautiful energy.

I came to Charan with a prolapse problem – we weren’t sure what would happen…so we left it to Source to heal whatever needed healing. To my surprise after 3 days I started to feel lighter in the pelvic area, as before it was very heavy…and then my heart was opening to wanting a male partner, as before I hadn’t wanted one for 5 years. Also I have suffered from sexual abuse as a child. All the negative emotions around males all disappeared, and all I could feel was this beautiful male, feminine reunion filling my heart.  My prolapse is still there, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem and it doesn’t seem to be as bad.  My hearing has also got sharper and my body does seem a lot more fluid.

Thank you Charan for your beautiful healing work, Magic did happen 🌟.
Much love πŸ’•
Hellen from Australia


“Charan is a bit of a unicorn. She is a DNA scientist who practices metaphysical Healing that WORKS!

How amazing is that?

I asked her for help immediately when my right hip socket went out of place and pinched a nerve. I was a literally writhing on the floor in pain.

My husband helped put the socket back in place. But the burning and shooting pains remained. Charan was working remotely the whole while. (She is in the UK and I am in the USA.) Within 20 minutes Charan had reduced my pain from a 9 to a 4

I was then physically able to go see my chiropractor.  I’ve been seeing him two or three times a week for the past three weeks and I know things are being healed and moved, but the pain has remained at a 4, 24hrs a day unless I take pain medication. However, the burning pain and the emotional frustration have been wearing on me.

Today, Charan worked with me for about 15 minutes and brought my pain to a zero. I’m up and walking. I can sit and stand without straining or groaning. The pain is gone!! Such a RELIEF!

I am eternally grateful for the gifts this sweet friend and amazing woman share with me and with the world.

I know that it can be difficult for us to get our minds around these miracles of physical healing. If you need relief from physical pain. Join one of Charan’s groups or schedule a time with her personally. It is a wonder to behold how effortlessly and lovingly she attunes you to your own healing Source energy.
Jan Luther EFT Founding Master


“Charan invites people to enter into a space of wonderment and transformation that is free from limiting ideas of what is possible. In that space of trust and surrender, Charan talks with each person to find out what they need help with and what a successful treatment looks like. She then calls upon divine assistance to help each individual. Although an outcome is not assured, the purity and integrity of Charan’s work greatly assists the miraculous to take place.”
Santari Green, UK