About Dr. Charan Surdhar
Hi, my name is Charan Surdhar and I am a geneticist turned epigeneticist, with a PhD in Integrative Medicine. I have a BSc degree in Microbiology, and a MSc in Human Genetics, after which I worked in the field of genetics for 13 years, identifying genetic mutations for a whole host of genetic diseases and contributed to many scientific papers as well as textbooks. Click here to browse my scientific publications.
During this time I became interested in the mind-body-soul connection, as a result of personal struggles. These personal struggles, allowed me to grow spiritually, and pushed me to learn more about mind-body-soul connection. I learnt that you can’t separate, the body, from the mind or the soul, they come as a package, and are treated as a package in order to allow the natural ability to heal surface.
I left the scientific world, but taking my scientific mind with me, I was inspired to learn various modalities. Using these techniques to now help others to come to realise this connection themselves, and allow their own healing capabilities to be awakened.
Now I work specifically with genetic diseases in a very different way then I used to. I assist in releasing energy, in the form of emotions, beliefs and perceptions that get in the way of the natural flow of the body to bring about positive gene expression. This is the revolutionary new field of epigenetics.
I use strategies that as a scientist I know work to bring harmony to the “whole” person, and nothing less.
I continue to expand my knowledge constantly, integrating this for the benefit of myself and my clients.
Another passion of mine is to take information that may feel difficult to understand and share it in a format that is easy to understand, and Fun! One of the ways I do that is create animated videos.
Dr Christiane Northrup said about one of the animated videos called “Bursting the Bubble on Infections”: "This video is wonderful. And medically accurate. It's also done very, very, gently and respectably."
I have been featured on the Hidden Science TV show (click here to watch) and also for the upcoming movie Punk Science. I run a blogtalkradio show, that is live first Friday of every month at www.blogtalkradio.com/mind-body-spirit-u.
A few years back I was inspired to write a book on Ho'oponopono, bringing together complex spiritual concepts of oneness and compassion into a story for children and adults. Heba the Ho'oponoponoist is a story about how a little girl, Annie is being bullied is helped by Heba the fairy who teaches her how to use these concepts to empower her. Click here to read more about Heba the Ho'oponoponoist.
You can find the audiobook and songs created especially to "clean memories" as the tracks are played, and so much fun too! Click here to listen!