Ready to shift into more of YOU where there is a whole wide universe of miracles waiting to be revealed?

This is exactly what awaits you here.

Reveal the miraculous with YOU with the following:


  • A new magic doodle every month - helps you to step into the miraculous, as it is infused with the frequency of your blueprint of wellness.

  • Monthly LIVE 30-min Quantum DNA session

  • Access to the monthly GeneOM™ Miracle Body Call where you get help for your personal issues in a group setting. I use ancestral prayers, and other tools so you can access freedOM in your life and body. (worth £59)

Are You Ready to Step into the Miraculous YOU?


Join me here for £49/month:

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Thanks for all the powerful work you have done. My son has started talking so much more after colouring the doodles. I feel like they have really enabled him to talk more and it’s really been so effective. You are amazing!



I feel the doodles help parts of my being connecting/communicating and I feel joyful like I accomplished something, beyond the drawing.It feels like a tool to communicate, bring to awareness that is not (always) possible with words.


Hi my name is Dr. Charan Surdhar. I’m an epigeneticist. After an MSc in Human Genetics, I worked for 13 years in a laboratory identifying DNA mutations for children with blood disorders. Now, I merge science, spirituality, and ancient wisdom, to help people like you create miracles from the DNA out, and the PhD in Integrative Medicine is a culmination of my years of work on directing consciousness to change DNA expression.

Whatever you are struggling with now, I hear you and see you. Many clients come to me with all sorts of issues, ranging from emotional struggles to physical pain, and each one is different. But, the one thing that is the same for each person, is that there is a frequency inside you, of the universe, that is guiding everything in your life and body. And whenever anyone, no matter what the struggle, learns to utilise it, the struggle dissolves.

I am so passionate about it being simple to do this, because I am sure you have tried many, many tools. What if the tools were keeping you in the same place? Here you can make a choice to let go of the tools, and learn how to become aligned to your inner truth. It’s a merging of science, spirituality and ancient wisdom to bring you freedom in every moment, and right here, you rewrite your DNA. This is my gift to you.

Join Miracle GeneOM™ Now


Emotionally, this month has been quite difficult and turbulent, so having the doodles to colour (I loved both patterns!) was very helpful. I feel surprisingly calm and positive, no matter what happens - this lack of anxiety is positive and new! I feel that I have changed in some ways that I am not sure I understand, but I like the changes. And I am open to more. Please and Thank you.

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